TYPES OF BAIL BONDS: There are numerous types of Bail Bonds available to get people out of jail when they are accused of a crime and need to post bail quickly and affordably to get their loved one released.
We are licensed and have bail agents to post bonds
throughout the United States including Puerto Rico.
Note: 4 States do not allow bail bonds ~ Illinois, Kentucky
Orgeon and Wisconsin ~
Bail Bonds for cases heard in federal courts. These
bonds serve the same purpose as other types of
bonds. It is not uncommon to have bail amounts in
federal cases set at high levels making obtaining release
more difficult. Having an experienced, professional bail
bondsman can make a huge difference.
Any criminal Bail Bond executed in any State Court
to secure the Defendant's release until his or her Court
Appeal Bonds occur when an individual has been found
guilty on charge(s) he or she was accused. The Appeal
Bond secures the release of the individual's freedom until
such time as he or she appears in Court and the Appeal is
either heard or denied.
Transfer Bonds involve writing a bond in one jurisdiction
while coordinating and securing the Defendant's release
in another jurisdiction. Example: A Bond written in
Mississippi to secure a person's release in California.
Bail Bonds allowed at Sentencing in some Misdeamnor Courts
as an option where the Judge allows Defendant's additional time
to pay off their fines. Not all Courts allow Sentencing Bonds in
their Misdemeanor Courts.